
New Leaders in Worldwide Competition

New Leaders in Worldwide Competition

Cities don't show off weapons or spend a lot on their military. Their strengths are creativity, culture, and working on growing their economy.
Modernization Over Militarization

Modernization Over Militarization

As civilization navigates its course, the aberrations, such as the war in Ukraine, stand out as stark reminders of the world we are leaving behind.
Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform (Ethereum Whitepaper)

Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform (Ethereum Whitepaper)

In 2013, programmer Vitalik Buterin published the concept of Ethereum—a platform designed to enable the creation of virtually any decentralized application on top of the blockchain. Ethereum utilizes a universal language of s...
The Digital Age: A Shift in Global Influence

The Digital Age: A Shift in Global Influence

Once-dominant economic giants have seen their market value drop while tech companies have experienced impressive growth.
The Transformative Impact of ICT on Global Social Dynamics

The Transformative Impact of ICT on Global Social Dynamics

Politics and discourse now unfold in open digital arenas, where every individual can have a voice and directly engage.
Online Gaming: A Quick Look at the Digital World

Online Gaming: A Quick Look at the Digital World

Games can be very engaging, and there's worry about players, especially kids, playing too much or even becoming addicted.
Exponential progress

Exponential progress

In 1997 Deep Blue computer of IBM prevailed the world chess champion Gary Kasparov. Deep Blue was a highly sophisticated chess-playing computer. It relied on a massive database of historical chess positions and moves, as well...
The Metamorphosis of Modern Warfare

The Metamorphosis of Modern Warfare

In the annals of history, warfare was often a brutally human affair. From arrows to bullets, from catapults to atomic bombs, the primary objective of these instruments of war was heartbreakingly clear: to target and subdue th...