From February 25th to 27th, 2013 Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development

From February 25th to 27th, 2013, UNESCO hosted the review event Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development at its Headquarters in Paris. This meeting evaluated the advancements achieved, examined ongoing and forthcoming ICT trends, and formulated a vision for emerging information/knowledge societies within the overarching framework of the World Summit of Information Society review process.

The opening plenary session of the event included a keynote address by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of The Earth Institute and Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General on the Millennium Development Goals.

Plenary, Pr. Jeffrey SachsIn his address, Professor Sachs stressed the importance of governments and other stakeholders embracing ICTs as fundamental tools for achieving sustainable development. He applauded the achievements which have been realised since WSIS, in particular the rapid expansion in the availability of connectivity and the adoption and use of mobile telecommunications, which have been driven by private sector investment. He stressed the importance of further investment in broadband infrastructure that will provide the information backbone essential for mobilising ICTs in international efforts to end poverty and achieve sustainable growth, and he commended the work in this context of the Broadband Commission which has been established with leadership from UNESCO and ITU. Professor Sachs also emphasised the importance of ICTs and Knowledge Societies to the international community’s renewed determination to combat poverty, with a commitment to broader social inclusion and environmental sustainability. He stressed the need to ensure that the review of WSIS outcomes contributes to the work of the United Nations to build upon the Millennium Development Goals and establish new Goals for Sustainable Development.

A ‘Future Debate on Broadband Education’ focused on the newly-published report of the Broadband Commission’s Working Group on Education, Technology, Broadband and Education: advancing the education for all agenda.3 Speakers emphasised the critical role of education in enabling employment, innovation and enterprise, facilitating social inclusion, and thereby advancing sustainable development. Technology can play an important part in addressing critical educational challenges, including continued efforts to achieve universal primary education, to overcome teacher shortages, and empower women and girls. The Broadband Commission’s report, prepared by UNESCO, emphasises the importance of enabling access to ICTs in schools, incorporating technology into curricula for teachers and students, in school and in continuing education, and promoting content development, mobile learning and the availability of open educational resources.

A High-Level Debate, ‘Toward Knowledge Societies for Sustainable Development’, was addressed by a wide range of speakers from all stakeholder groups, who described their visions for the future. Critical themes addressed during the debate included the role of ICTs and Knowledge Societies in achieving intra-generational and inter-generational equity, combating the challenge of climate change, stimulating innovation and enterprise, enabling freedom of expression and empowering citizens. Among critical challenges raised during the debate were the need to sustain and increase investment in infrastructure and services, governance arrangements in the rapidly evolving context for ICTs, and the relationship between technology, good governance and human rights.3